Cobra glasses were manufactured by Bolle company. The brass frame and the panoramic construction make the glasses are often chosen by security agents or policemen.
Lenses of 2,3 mm thickness provide ballistic protection. Special coating prevents scratching and delays the onset of fogging. Non-slip adjustable bridge and eyepieces made of the glasses very comfortable TPE and brass provide comfort.
The first letter immediately after the mechanical strength symbol refers to:
F - low energy impact, resists a 6 mm, 0.86 g ball at 45 m/s
B - medium energy impact, resists a 6 mm, 0.86 g ball at 120 m/s
T - authorises use for high-speed particles at extreme temperatures.
K - the anti-scratch coating K provides enhanced scratch-certified coating
N - the anti-fog coating N is an anti-fog treatment certified
Brand new product.