Extremely comfortable safety glasses from Bolle.
A model of universal safety spectacle that are ultra-modular and infinitely adaptable to every individual thanks to the B-Flex shape memory bridge. The revolutionary B-Flex technology provides unique flexibility. Light, soft and Curve 10 lenses are made of 2,2 mm reinforced polycarbonate. Platinum coating applied on both surfaces, which makes them highly scratch-resistant (1.4 cd/m²), gives them high resistance to the most aggressive chemicals, and slows the appearance of fogging. In any circumstances and at every moment, Platinum provides the highest safety for eyes.
Comes with a CORDC nylon strap.
4 dioptres available: 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3
The first letter immediately after the mechanical strength symbol refers to:
F - low energy impact, resists a 6 mm, 0.86 g ball at 45 m/s
B - medium energy impact, resists a 6 mm, 0.86 g ball at 120 m/s
T - authorises use for high-speed particles at extreme temperatures.
K - the anti-scratch coating K provides enhanced scratch-certified coating
N - the anti-fog coating N is an anti-fog treatment certified
Brand new product.